Friday, October 12, 2007


Today I had a private plus regular practice. In my private I was working on straddle giants on regular bars. I did really good on them. Then we went to tumbling. I did back whip back tuck/layout/full. The tucks and layouts were pretty good except the fulls were pretty bad. That's all I did in my private. Then was regular practice. Only four girls showed up on our team and two are injured . We had beam and floor. On beam I did five routines, stuck one. Mrs. Tamara judged me and she said I got 8.8 with a fall. Do the math it would be 9.3 without a fall. Then I worked on back handspring back tuck with a pad. I didn't do very well on them because my back handsprings are pretty bad. Then we had floor, only me and another girl, Sam, were there because the other two were injured. We did front handspring front layouts. They were good. Then we did back whip back tucks. I was good on them because I have already done back whip back full on floor. Then we conditioned and went home!!



Anonymous said...

pretty cool website you must be really good!

Misty Dawn Photography said...

Hey Majesta! Keep up the hard work!! I added a cute little favicon to your website....ask your mom to show you. :)