Sunday, January 27, 2008


Heyy guys... sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I just keep forgetting {[(tee hee)]}... Well lately we have pretty much been doing routines. Vault is the same thing but running is hurting my knees and shins, hopefully it will go away. On bars I've been having trouble with my free-hip on high bar. I keep falling over in the wrong direction, but I'll keep working on it! On beam it really depends. I can do everything, it's just if I stick it or not. On floor I'm doing pretty well. I seem pretty prepared for my next meet on floor. Speaking of my next meet, Its at Parkettes Gymnastics . My meet is at 7:30 in the morning so we are going so spend the night before at a hotel. Miss Tamara says that we should all take this meet very seriously because it is just like a regional meet. Regional judges are going to be there and a lot of gymnasts from the area are coming too. This meet really shows us our place and how well we are. And one more thing, I would like to thank my Aunt Jo for donating money towards my dream to go to the Olympics... Thanks so much Aunt Jo!! I'm going to keep practicing and I'll be back with a few more updates... catch ya later!!


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